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Reception Class

Year R key information

Learning and curriculum

Through structured play, we encourage children to develop the skills and attitudes that make them successful and happy friends and learners. Children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and take part in daily literacy, maths and phonics lessons. We follow Read Write Inc Phonics to teach reading and writing.

Whole class learning takes place in short engaging sessions and is supported by small group work to ensure support and challenge for all our pupils. Children also have lots of time for child initiated learning; allowing them to explore, take risks and apply their understanding.


On entry to Reception, we work with our pupils to establish their baseline. This is primarily done through observations and short, small group games or 1:1 activities in order to assess their understanding and skills across the curriculum.

Formative assessments are made throughout the year and this information can be seen by parents via their child’s Tapestry online learning journal. These journals allow you to keep up with what your child has enjoyed learning, the new discoveries they are making and the skills they are developing. We encourage parents to contribute to their child’s journal, as we recognise that your insight into your child’s learning is invaluable.

You will also be able to talk to your child’s teacher about their progress and targets at our October and February Parents’ evenings and you will receive a written report detailing their end of Key Stage outcomes in July.

Useful links

Links to support your child’s learning can be found in their Google Classroom:

Government Information about learning in the early years:

Parents can log into their child’s online learning journal at:

To find out more about this system, you can visit:

Learn more about Read Write Inc Phonics:

Meet the teachers


Ms Mary Tootill

Reception Teacher

Rebecca Constantinou

Mrs Rebecca Constantinou

Reception Teacher (Wednesday)

”My teacher is always kind and looks after me.”

– Raffy, Reception


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