Top 100 Primary Schools 2023, Sunday Times | Click here for Admissions Information



Key Personnel


Wendy Burns

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Martin Brannigan

Martin Brannigan

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Sally Derby

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Jennifer Anderson

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Claire Grindal

Designated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection & Safeguarding Governor

Policy Information & Documents

Policy, Practice and Training

All members of staff have annual training and regular updates to make sure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding are current. We ensure all those who are contracted at school (e.g. sports/club providers, supply teachers, school meal providers) have undergone police checks and are legally entitled to work in the UK.

We work with a range of other professionals and agencies including social workers, health professionals and the police to make sure children and families are well supported. The school is registered with Operation Encompass protocol where by the Metropolitan police work with the school to provide appropriate support for children who have experienced domestic abuse in their household.

We have an attached school nurse who is able to provide help and advice on all matters of health and wellbeing. Referrals are made by the school SENCO or Headteacher and more information is available via the school office.

The school has two Administrative Secretaries and Medical Officers. We have a number of First Aid trained staff, details of which are displayed in all school rooms. All staff receive annual training on Asthma and the use of epi pens (for children with severe allergies). Photographs and care plan details of children with medical conditions are displayed in the school’s medical room, the kitchen and in the relevant classroom.

We operate a sign in/out system and ensure all visitors wear a visitors’ lanyard or badge for identification. Photographic ID may be requested.

The school’s Premises Manager and Fire Safety Officer has attended in Schools Fire Safety training. We regularly hold practice fire drills and test equipment and alarm systems.

The school has a Lock Down policy and procedures are reviewed regularly.

The grounds of the school are secured via high walls and fences and access to the school is controlled. External doors are locked during the school day except for the main entrance via the school office. The headteacher, Premises Manager or other members of staff monitor the only open gate before school begins. Teaching staff are in the playground to handover children to parents at the end of the school day.

For more information please read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and the following related policies:

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Online safety
  • Intimate Care
  • Physical Intervention
  • Behaviour
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Attendance
  • Medical Needs
  • Critical Incident
  • Complaints Policy
  • Fire Safety

Hard copies of any of the above policies may be obtained on request at the school office.

Additional policy documents such as: CCTV, Safe Working Practices or Whistleblowing are available at the discretion of the headteacher.

Contact Information

You can contact them via the school office – 020 8876 6679 

Alternatively, you may contact The Richmond and Kinston Single Point of Access (SPA) – 020 8547 5008
Out of hours – 0208 770 5000

In case of an emergency and a child is at risk of immediate harm please call 999.

Additional Support

As a school we always want to help and support our families in any way we can. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need some additional support. Such requests will always be treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidence.

There are also a number of other organisations that we work with that can offer a range of additional help and support.