Absence procedures
Procedures for reporting an absence from school
The procedure for reporting an absence is as follows:
If your child is unwell:
The absence of your son or daughter must be reported to us for each day they are unwell, before 9:00am to ensure that the registers are accurate. This is done by calling the Student Absence Line: 020 8876 6679 and leaving a message or by sending an email to the school office: admin@st-marymagdalens.richmond.sch.uk. You must state your child’s name, year group, the name of the person making the call and the reason for the absence.
Medical evidence may be required if your son or daughter has accumulated a number of absences.
If your child has a medical appointment:
Please avoid taking your child out of school for a medical appointment where possible.
An email should be sent to the school office admin@st-marymagdalens.richmond.sch.uk detailing the appointment time and when you will be collecting and returning your child. It is important that children report to the office on their return so they can be marked back on site.
Leave of Absence requests:
Where a parent/carer needs to request term time leave of absence, the following procedure is followed:
Parent/carer must complete Request for Exceptional Term-time Leave of Absence Form at least two weeks prior to the requested leave date. The Headteacher will consider the request taking into account the pupil’s attendance history, previous requests for leave, nature and length of the trip and child’s stage of education. Applications for leave of absence at the start/end of term are not considered. Where there is no explanation for an absence or where the reason for absence is not considered to merit a loss of learning time, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Unauthorised absences are reported to the Local Authority and parents may be contacted by the School Attendance Officer where absence is persistent and/or unauthorised. Unauthorised absence may result in a fixed penalty fine issued by the Local Authority (£120 per parent/per child).
Absences to attend family events (other than funerals of close relatives) are not considered to be exceptional circumstance and will not be authorised.