Deep roots, kind hearts, big dreams
St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School has been an integral part of the Mortlake community for over half a Century. Our staff and our parents include past pupils and these deep roots and close bonds are integral to our long history of success.
At the heart of what we do is our love for our children and our community. We live our lives following Jesus’ example and give our pupils the chance to develop kind hearts nurturing their compassion, conscientiousness, and creativity. Our children try their best and help others to do the same secure and resilient in the knowledge that our mistakes are our opportunities.
Our pupils’ attainment is excellent and we have a culture of high expectations and aspirations. We are constantly amazed by our pupils’ ability to rise to the challenge and we nurture every child to reach their full potential. We encourage everyone to have big dreams and to develop the skills and attitudes that will help them to realise these and become happy, healthy, successful adults.
School Development Plan
We have a long history of outstanding attainment but we are not complacent and we know that we must continue to learn and to change. We are privileged to teach compassionate and motivated children. We have supportive parents and to have an excellent staff team. We work together to ensure excellent outcomes for all our pupils.
Each year we produce a school development plan which reflects our dynamism and ensures our school provides pupils with an outstanding education.