Sun Safety
Sun Safety
It is important that parents, staff and pupils work together to ensure that we can all enjoy the sun safely over the summer months. The sun’s rays are particularly strong over the summer and they can damage children’s skin. Dehydration and over-exposure to sunlight can cause huge health worries which we would like to avoid. Your child’s health and wellbeing are very important to us and Sun Safety is something that we take seriously at St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School.
As a school we regularly talk to children about the importance of being safe in the sun during lessons and assemblies as appropriate.
Your support is very important. You can help by:
- Talking to your child about the importance of sun protection at home.
- Sending your child into school with a named school sunhat. Children who do not have a sun hat on very sunny days will be asked to stay in the shade.
- Applying a high factor sun cream (at least SPF 15) to your child before sending them to school. We recommend you use an ‘all day’ variety as staff are unable to reapply sun cream to children during the school day. However, if your child needs to reapply and is able to do so themselves they can bring in clearly labelled sun cream to reapply themselves at the beginning of lunchtime.
- Ensuring your child brings a large named water bottle to school and encourage them to drink plenty of water – we will remind them too!