Harvest Hoedown – Saturday 8th October 2022
Thank you to everyone who came to the Harvest Hoedown on Saturday it was a fun-filled day for all the family and we want to say a huge thank you to Amy, Lucy and Meredith who organised it all and transformed our school into the wild, wild west for the day.
We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all the businesses that donated prizes and supplies. We could not have put on such an amazing event without the support of Cirque du Soliel, Brinkleys, Haenens Butchers, Valentina, Culver + Nelson, Ginger Pig, John Lewis, Boden, Cook and Sega.
Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day and a special thanks to Clare Lynch, Glyn Wallis-Jones and Adelino for all their help with preparations and on the day itself. Also we wouldn’t have been able to dance the night away had it not been for the incredible food provided by Tarek Maalouf and Suzy Webb. Last, but by no means least, we hope that even if you couldn’t make it this time you will enjoy these fabulous photos by the very talented Julie Fargues.